We exclusively partner with Bella Goose Coffee, located in Wisconsin, for all of our beans & housemade syrups.
A message from our partners:
“With our quality-sourced coffee, in-house roasting and homemade syrups, we want everyone to know they have a place at our table, all while enjoying a great cup of coffee.”
“EMPLOY & EMPOWER” - “As our founders traveled throughout Southeast Asia and witnessed various Red Lights Districts, they could not unsee or unfeel - they had to do something. Each woman and man has their own story, and Bella Goose sought out to provide jobs that could help to write a better one.
The fight against trafficking is no small venture. From prevention to aftercare, Bella Goose and our partners strive to build communities where freedom and growth are accessible and offered to all. By treating team members with dignity and providing work and training programs, women and men are building a life for generations to come.”